誕生石/生辰石/守護石分類 | by Birthstone

誕生石的選擇和象徵意義可以追溯到古代,傳說在遠古的巴比倫文明時期即有「寶石擁有神秘的力量、避邪保平安、帶來好運」等概念,認為特定顏色的寶石和黃道十二宮有密切關係。延續至今,誕生石的概念已是對壽星的祝福和祈求好運的象徵。現代常用的誕生石列表多數來自於1912年美國珠寶商協會(American National Retail Jewelers Association)所訂立的標準,但不同年代皆有微調的紀錄,且不同的國家文化和解讀差異也可能會有不同的誕生石列表。

The selection and symbolism of birthstones can be traced back to ancient times. It is said that during the ancient Babylonian civilization, there were beliefs that "gemstones possess mysterious powers, ward off evil, ensure safety, and bring good luck." It was believed that gemstones of specific colors were closely related to the twelve zodiac signs. Continuing to the present day, the concept of birthstones has become a symbol of blessings and wishes for good luck for the birthday person. The modern commonly used list of birthstones mostly originates from the standards set by the American National Retail Jewelers Association in 1912. However, there have been slight adjustments over different eras, and different countries and cultures may also have their own birthstone lists and traditions.

一月 | January Birthstones 二月 | February Birthstones 三月 | March Birthstones 四月 | April Birthstones 五月 | May Birthstones 六月 | June Birthstones 七月 | July Birthstones 八月 | Auguet Birthstones 九月 | September Birthstones 十月 | October Birthstones 十一月 | November Birthstones 十二月 | December Birthstones