尺寸指引 | Jewelry Size Guides

項鍊長度 | Necklace Length  戒圍尺寸 | Ring Size 

項鍊長度 | Necklace Length

一般項鍊規格以英吋為主,常用尺寸16" (40.5cm),18" (45.7cm),20" (50.8cm),22" (55.8cm),24"(60.9cm)。 女士吊墜多以18" 搭配為主,而男士則以20" 或以上為選擇。根據體型或穿搭效果可能使用更長的鍊款。

提示:費加洛鍊款為大小圈間隔的設計,可以將扣頭扣在最尾端環圈之外的不同的大節圈上,即可調整實際配戴長度。例如 18" 費加洛也可以作為 16" 使用。

Necklace chain selected for pendants are subject to the size of the pendant and the style you are after. Chain comes in 16" (40.5cm),18" (45.7cm),20" (50.8cm),22" (55.8cm),24"(60.9cm).

A 16" or 18" chain is usually suitable for lady's pendant within 30mm of size, while 18" to 20" chain may be more comfortable for men.

Tips: Figaro chain has larger oval links in between smaller jump ring joints all along the chain. You may adjust its wearing length by clipping to a different link instead of the very end. A 18" Figaro can be worn as a 16".

戒圍尺寸 | Ring Size


寬版戒指(戒寬6mm以上)配戴會略感緊繃,建議可以選擇稍大 0.5~1 號的尺寸。


Use one of your comfortable ring as a reference, measure its internal diameter in millimeter, then use these charts to convert your ring size to ours. If you don’t know your ring size, the most reliable way to take the correct measurement is to visit your local jewelry store.


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