珍珠 | Pearls



「天然珍珠」原本是指採集於野生環境的珍珠,雖然至今還是有機會被發現,但是數量因大自然環境被破壞影響而減少許多,使得不易取得的野生珍珠更加稀有,天然野生珍珠通常小而高單價。另一方面,養殖珍珠則是在人為控管的環境中的珍珠蠔生成,能有效提升珍珠貝的存活率而提高珍珠的品質和產量。現今市面所稱之「天然珍珠」通常是指養殖珍珠(Cultured Pearls)。


  • Akoya Pearl:原技術來自日本的海水養殖珍珠,有白裡透紅的粉色光澤和近乎完美圓珠的品質特性而出名。珠色為白底帶粉紅光澤為上品,也有乳白,金色,銀色,綠色或藍色的珍珠。大小 4.5 mm ~ 9 mm,通常不超過 10 mm。
  • Freshwater Pearl:淡水珍珠現在多為中國地區的河流或湖泊的淡水養殖培育,和 Akoya 有相近的顏色表現,但是淡水珍珠因無植入圓核,所以多為不規則如米粒般的形狀,大小多為2mm ~ 10mm。淡水珍珠多為乳白色,產量大價格而便宜,許多淡水珠也有其他特殊顏色如紅,黑,藍,紫,綠等。養殖培育的技術改良於 2011 年首次出現了有核的淡水珠,植核技術的穩定和單株培養,使得淡水珠大小可到 12 mm ~ 20 mm。商業上這類大尺寸的植核淡水珠以「劃時代的發明」為名稱為愛迪生珍珠,天然形成的色彩飽滿、豔麗豐富,尺寸直逼南洋珠,光澤品質媲美日本珠。
  • South Sea Pearl:南洋珠主要產於南太平洋海域如澳洲,緬甸,菲律賓,印尼等地。南洋珠有別於日本的海水培育 Akoya,尺寸通常較大,為 9 mm ~ 20 mm。顏色多為銀白,粉紅,黃色,金色等。
  • Tahitian Pearl:為法屬波里尼西亞群島大溪地產的珍珠,因高品質的黑珍珠而馳名。雖然其他地區如菲律賓或沖繩也有黑珍珠的紀錄,但大溪地幾乎成為黑珍珠的代名詞。除了黑色外,還有灰色,綠色,咖啡色等,大小多為 8 mm ~ 16 mm 。


  • 使用香水後再配戴珍珠。避免噴灑香水,髮膠,清潔液,酒精或化妝品乳液等於珍珠上。
  • 珍珠表成層相當軟,極易因碰撞摩擦而受損。
  • 減少珍珠直接接觸皮膚的機會。人的汗水酸性,會破壞珍珠的光澤表現。
  • 避免洗澡淋浴時配戴珠寶,清潔劑或洗澡乳液的化學成分繁多,可能含有傷害珍珠的成分。
  • 避免珍珠碰撞機會,配戴珠寶其中的用意之一於提醒自己舉手投足優雅不匆忙。
  • 每次配戴珍珠後使用溫水和中性肥皂沾濕軟布做擦拭清潔,尤其注意和皮膚接觸的珍珠要特別確認擦拭。
  • 收納前確實擦乾珠寶首飾。
  • 收納處保持乾燥,如長期不用時,個別密封袋中可放置乾燥劑。
  • 寶石硬度皆不同,珠寶應個別收納於分開的盒子或絨布袋,避免互相碰撞。避免珍珠和其他寶石或金屬碰撞摩擦。
  • 儲存空間避免高溫或溫度變化大的環境。部分寶石(如蛋白石和珍珠)不可保存在太乾燥的空間。


Pearls are once thought to be the tears of mermaid, and have been a symbol of beauty and purity for a long time. They are still stand both classic and modern fashions nowadays. With the method of raising mollusks succeeded, pearls have become much more affordable to pearl lovers. While natural pearls are still available, they have become less and less in true natural environment without any interfering of human. Nature pearls are usually small with high prices. Cultured pearls, on the other hand, are produced from farms that raise mollusks. Cultured pearls are real pearls produced by nature as well, but in a controlled environment that treat the mollusks the best for pearls production.

The following are some of the commend types of pearls you may see in the market:

  • Akoya Pearls: Originally farmed in Japan, Akoya pearls usually have a high luster, near-perfect roundness and high quality all around. Colours: white body colour with overtone of pink, cream, gold, silver, green, and blue. Size range from 2 mm to 10 mm.
  • Freshwater Pearls: Mostly grown in freshwater lakes, rivers and ponds in China. Freshwater pearls resemble Akoya pearls in size and colour, but many don't have a bead core that planted by human. Colours: white, cream, gold, silver, pink, rose, lavender, plum, tangerine, and mocha brown. With improved technology with bead core, the size of freshwater pearls ranges from 7 mm up to 20 mm.
  • South Sea Pearls: The largest pearl type of all, comes from the south sea region includes Australia, Indonesia, and Philippines. Colours: gold, silver, white, pink ,and cream. Size range from 9mm to 20 mm.
  • Tahitian Pearls: Best known for black pearls, Tahitian pearls are found around several islands of French Polynesia, including Tahiti. Colours: black, green, brown, and grey. Size range from 8mm to 16mm.

General Guideline

  • Pearls have very soft surfaces that can be scratched quite easily. Avoid crushing of pearls to other objects.
  • The luster of pearls can easily be dulled by solvents, household detergent, alcohol, perfume, hairspray, and cosmetics. Minimize contact of such can keep the glory of the pearls longer.
  • Always wear perfume before putting on pearls jewelry. Perfume should not spray directly onto pearls.
  • Minimize contact to human skin, for the acid from human sweat could slowly affect pearl's surface as well.
  • Gently wipe pearls with a soft damp cloth after each use, especially those that have contacted with human skin.
  • Wash pearls periodically to remove harmful build-ups from personal body care applications such as make up and perfume.
  • Separate pearl jewelries from other jewelries, especially from all the metal parts.
  • Store pearls in soft cloth pouch.
  • Keep pearls dry before putting away in storage.

作品材質 | Materials

鉑金 & 黃金 | Platinum & Gold

925 純銀 | Sterling Silver

天然寶石 | Natural Gems

珍珠 | Pearls

 購物說明 | Shop Guides  寄件配送 | Shipping  尺寸指引 | Size Guides

保養建議 | Care Guides  客製訂作 | Custom-Order  退換政策 | Refund Policy

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