925 純銀 | Sterling Silver

銀 (Ag)(Silver)

銀的光澤在金屬中是最優美柔軟,有如月光般的溫潤含蓄。銀易於黑化的特性也是常被用來做為藝術表現的加強手法。除了珠寶之外,銀也常被用來製作家飾和餐具。很多銀飾會在表層鍍金,除了可以保護銀體比較不容易變色,也可以表現出有如 K金或鉑金珠寶的視覺質感。鍍金層在日久耗損後露出底下實體,接觸空氣就會開始有變色的可。變黑泛黃的銀飾一般常被大家誤稱為氧化的情形,應理解為硫化。銀是因為空氣中含有些微的硫元素而開始變黑,不是因為氧化的關係。變黑的銀飾可以用拭銀布或洗銀水,將表層的硫化銀還原去除後,即可恢復銀白光澤。請注意這意味著表層有銀的耗損。有些商業會用「銀白 K」來標示成分,請留意其究竟是「表層鍍上白色 K金的;實體是純銀的物件」,還是「表層鍍成銀白色澤的;實體是其他金屬的物件」。

常見銀製品標示為 Fine Silver(999,足銀,99.9%含銀量 )以及目前國際標準接受的 Sterling Silver(925,紋銀,92.5%含銀量合金 )。925 銀剩下的那 7.5%其他金屬配方是為增加銀合金的硬度,使其能更加適合用於珠寶製作上。999 銀和 925 銀在現今國際公認可用「純銀」於商業名稱。


  • 建議經常使用配戴,人體油脂有保護銀體的優勢,但是常大量流汗運動的人要注意保養擦拭銀飾。
  • 避免銀飾沾觸任何含有硫元素之物品,例如橡皮圈,溫泉等。
  • 避免銀飾處於空氣含硫元素或鹽分高的區域,例如海灘。
  • 925 銀相對其他金屬為軟,容易因碰撞摩擦留下刮傷會凹痕。避免和其他金屬有直接碰撞機會。
  • 使用溫水和中性肥皂沾濕軟布做擦拭清潔。
  • 軟質毛刷可幫助清潔較不易擦拭的細節處。
  • 銀製餐具不可浸泡於水中,使用清洗後應立即擦乾。
  • 使用拭銀布擦拭保養銀飾品。
  • 如使用洗銀水,注意用量以及原作品故意硫化黑的部分。洗銀水可能過強並把黑化的藝術表現洗得一乾二淨。
  • 收納前確實擦乾珠寶首飾。
  • 收納處保持乾燥,如長期不用時,個別密封袋中可放置乾燥劑。
  • 珠寶應個別收納於分開的盒子或絨布袋,避免互相碰

Silver (Ag)

Silver is one of the most beautiful and lustrous of all metals for it's modest metal tone that shines like moonlight. It is also known for it's characteristic of tarnishing, creating darken parts that make a piece of art more playful in colour and design. Silver is wildly used in products such as coins, jewelry, home accessories, and tableware.

Fine Silver contains 99.9% of pure silver and marked as 999, is relatively soft for jewelry purpose. Silver is usually alloyed with copper to increase its hardness and strength for products.

Sterling Silver is marked as 925, contains 92.5% of pure silver element with 7.5% of other metals to improve hardness of the material. Sterling Silver 925 has become the most popular standard of pure silver products worldwide nowadays.

General Guideline

  • Regularity of use of silver needs less care, it is strongly encouraged to use or wear the silver pieces every day.
  • Avoid sterling silver pieces to contact with anything that contains sulfur such as rubber bands.
  • Do not wear silver in sulfur environment, like bath in hot spring.
  • Sterling silver is relatively soft compared to other metal types and thus easily be scratched. Avoid silver pieces to crush or rub with other objects.
  • Wash sterling silver pieces right away after use, with only warm water and mild detergent.
  • Silver tableware should not be left to soak in water. Dry completely immediately after washing to avoid spotting.
  • Use quality brand polish to polish sterling silver pieces. Rub gently but firmly with the polish on a piece of cloth. Soft bristles toothbrush would be helpful to clean details like decorative borders. Rinse well in warm water after polish and dry completely right away.
  • Pay extra attention to those blackening finish. The purpose is to make the decorative details stand out more clearly. Over polishing can cause the artistic finish be removed.
  • Sterling silver pieces must be kept dry.
  • A small packet of demoisturizing silica gel to put with the silver storing packaging is recommended.
  • Sterling silver is relatively soft compared to other metal types and thus easily be scratched. Store silver pieces in separated boxes or bags to avoid contacting with other object.
  • Avoid storing sterling silver pieces in sulfur environment or salty air.

作品材質 | Materials

鉑金 & 黃金 | Platinum & Gold

925純銀 | Sterling Silver

天然寶石 | Natural Gems

珍珠 | Pearls

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