• HP23924 002 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 009 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 010 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 005 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 008 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 003 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 007 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 004 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 011 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 001 orange carrot opal brooch jewelry design
  • HP23924 carrot opal jade brooch rzsk 01

E.YJ Chen | RealizedStudio Jewelry Creation

紅蘿蔔 | 胸針/吊墜 - 蛋白石.翡翠.14K金.925銀 - 胡蘿蔔/好彩頭


主石為 3.7ct 橘黃色的蛋白石,呈現以紅橘色光為主的油彩,變幻無常。作品用純銀打造,長條水滴型切磨的蛋白石搭配14K黃金的半包鑲,點綴三顆綠翡翠,設計成一朵可愛的胡蘿蔔造型小別針。

蛋白石是十月份誕生幸運寶石。蛋白石/歐珀的英文爲 Opal,源於拉丁文 Opalus,意思是「集所有寶石之美於一身」。蛋白石是含水比例較高的寶石,且會對應外界溼度的不同而在透明度和油彩的外觀表現上有所變化,有如「活的寶石」一般。可視狀況沾水保養,但不需長時間浸泡在水中。日常佩戴的蛋白石收納可直接放在軟布袋裡,避免和其他金屬或寶石摩擦碰撞。若是較長時間不使用而收藏,可以和沾水之棉花同蛋白石一起放在密封袋中,保持濕度。絕對不能收納於有乾燥功能的盒子或保險箱。


主石:橘紅蛋白石 3.7 ct.
配石:綠翡翠 總共 1.85 ct. / 橄欖石 0.12 ct.
實體 14K (Au585) 黃K金
實體925純銀 (S925) 氧化燻黑

約 31 x 18 x 9 mm.


The main stone is a 3.7 carat orange-yellow opal, presenting oil colors dominated by red and orange hues, with an ever-changing display. The piece is crafted in sterling silver, featuring an elongated teardrop-shaped cut opal adorned with a semi-bezel setting in 14K gold, embellished with three green jadeite as leaves, designed as an adorable carrot-shaped lapel pin.

Opal is the lucky Birthstone of October. The word Opal is derived from the Latin Opalus, which means "the beauty of all gems in one".
Opal is a gemstone with a high proportion of water, and it will change its transparency and appearance of oil color according to the difference in external humidity, just like a "living gemstone". It can be maintained by dripping with water depending on the situation, but it does not need to be soaked in water for a long time.
For daily wear storage, opal can be placed directly in a soft cloth bag to avoid friction and collision with other metals or gemstones. For storage for a longer period of time, put the opal with moistened cotton in a sealed bag is advised to keep the humidity. Never store in a box or safe that has drying function.

【Design Ref#】

Primary Gem: Orange Opal 3.78 ct.
Gem Accents: Jadeite 1.85 cttw.  Peridot 0.12 ct.
Solid 14K (Au585) Yellow Gold
Solid Sterling Silver (S925) Oxidized Antique Black

Approximate 31 x 18 x 9 mm.

【 訂購須知 】


作品收藏卡,保養說明卡,清潔拭銀布,絨布袋及密封袋 ,禮盒,禮袋  


  1. 墜飾類作品訂單不含圖示鍊款,如有需求可另外選購。一般項鍊規格以英吋為主,常用尺寸16" (40.5cm),18" (45.7cm),20" (50.8cm),22" (55.8cm),24"(60.9cm)。 女士吊墜多以18" 搭配為主,而男士則以20" 或以上為選擇。根據體型或穿搭效果可能使用更長的鍊款。提示:費加洛鍊款為大小圈間隔的設計,可以將扣頭扣在最尾端環圈之外的不同的大節圈上,即可調整實際配戴長度。例如 18" 費加洛也可以作為 16" 使用。 選購配鍊
  2. 作品使用國際標準純銀 (S925) 製作,不含鎳,不易過敏。復古銀版本為純銀硫化燻黑效果無電鍍。如選配銀鍊,鍊款為復古氧化純銀無電鍍。標示14K (Au585)、18K (Au750) 之作品或部件皆為實體 K金。作品使用標示之寶石皆為天然寶石,如果配用人造寶石(例如立方鋯晶 CZ)或其他合金配件的作品則會特別註明。
  3. 大地餽贈之天然寶石皆有石紋或內含物,自然美色瑕不掩瑜。同款複數作品之間所用同種類寶石,同等級條件之下依然可能顏色表現、克拉重略有差異。照片皆為實品拍攝,如因銀幕顯示器設定顯色、拍攝環境光線、個人觀感定義不同造成圖片與實體之色差問題,商品皆以實品為主。每件作品物件為手工製作處理,當我們極力追求完美的同時,也感謝您理解其製作過程中可能帶有的手感痕跡。
  4. 作品有可能同時於其他通路展售,庫存顯示儘量同步更新但僅供參考,可先來信確認。如遇已無庫存但物件符合再製條件,訂製時程約15至25個工作天 (不含配送時間)。如果閣下喜歡此作品風格元素,想為自有收藏的寶石訂製相同或類似的設計風格,歡迎來信諮詢。所有訂製或客製品皆於付款確認後才開始安排設計及製作時程 。因應國際貴金屬浮動價格,我們保留修改頁面標價的權力,訂製費以實際報價為主。報價只適用於個別的訂製單個案回應,亦不代表適用於其他時間的報價。訂單報價 3 天內有效,超時則需另報價。
  5. 在正常使用情形下損壞的物件如扣頭鬆動,鑲石掉落等,需要重新整修美容。請來信告知維修需求並親帶或寄送物件回工作室,我們會評估維修費用和時間。
  6. 琺瑯物件相對脆弱,如破損後,當今技法尚無法完全修復至原本狀態,請擁有琺瑯物件的客戶使用上要格外小心。
  7. 配送時間:
    台灣本島:郵局包裹 1~3 工作天,超商配取 3~4 天。
    國際快捷:一般約 4~10 工作天。各國家地區之關稅條件規定不同,如衍伸相關額外費用需由買家自理。


  1. 人體油脂有保護銀體優勢,建議經常配戴。常運動流汗者則要多注意擦拭保養銀飾。
  2. 避免銀飾處於空氣含有硫元素或鹽分高之區域,例如溫泉或海灘。
  3. 銀製品相對其他金屬軟,容易刮傷,應避免和其他金屬碰撞。
  4. 銀製品個別收納於絨布袋或盒中。如長期不用時請於密封袋封存。
  5. 使用中性肥皂和清水沾濕軟布擦拭清潔銀製品。
  6. 純銀飾品可使用拭銀布做擦拭保養,拭銀布可重複使用但不可水洗。電鍍飾品則使用一般軟布擦拭即可。
  7. 如使用洗銀水請謹慎處理,過量可能破壞部分硫化燻黑的藝術表現。

【Ordering Notice】

【Packaging & Gift】

Authenticity Certificate, Daily Use and Care Instructions, Silver polishing cloth, Flannel bag & Airtight bag, Gift Box Package. 

【Ordering Notice】

  1. Chain shown in pictures is not included for pendant orders. Chain necklace options are available to purchase. Necklace chain selected for pendants are subject to the size of the pendant and the style you are after. Chain comes in 16" (40.5cm),18" (45.7cm),20" (50.8cm),22" (55.8cm),24"(60.9cm). A 16" or 18" chain is usually suitable for lady's pendant within 30mm of size, while 18" to 20" chain may be more comfortable for men. Tips: Figaro chain has larger oval links in between smaller jump ring joints all along the chain. You may adjust its wearing length by clipping to a different link instead of the very end. A 18" Figaro can be worn as a 16". Chain Necklaces

  2. Our creations are hypoallergenic as they are made of nickel free solid Sterling Silver (S925). Antique Black version is oxidized for style without plating. Add-on silver chain options would come with Oxidized Antique Black only. Creations marked 14K (Au585) or 18K (Au750) are solid gold alloys. All gemstones used in creations are natural gemstones unless further notified (such as lab-made gem Cubic Zirconia accented as diamond substitute).

  3. There might be color variation and natural inclusions which is consider acceptable for natural gemstones, we appreciate the beauty of the unique characters gifted by Mother Earth. As a result, carat weight and stone quantities may differ slightly from one creation to the next. Please note that each user's monitor setting differ from one to each other, all creations' photo color might appear slightly differently from the actual item. While we pursuer perfection in our craftsmanship, please be advised that all items are hand-made. Slight crafting marks or differences are rare but expected. We appreciate your understanding. 

  4. This item may be listed for sale at other locations. Please contact us for actual availability before placing orders. If the item was out of stock and remake option was available, the reproduction period of the item is about 15 to 25 working days (shipping time not included). Custom-order for a similar design with your own gemstones are also welcome, please contact us for quotes and information. All custom-orders and made-to-orders will only be processed after the payment is confirmed.

  5. Items that are damaged under normal use, such as loose buckles, falling stones, etc., need to be refurbished. Please inform us about the repair needs and bring or send the items back to the studio, we will evaluate the repair cost and time.

  6. Enamel objects are relatively fragile. If damaged, current techniques cannot fully restore them to their original state. Customers who own enamel objects should handle with extra care when using them.

  7. Delivery Time:
    Taiwan Domestic: Parcel Post 1~3 working days. Domestic Convenience Store-to-Store Delivery Pickup 3~4 days.
    International EMS: It takes 4-10 working days to deliver, depends on destination. Please note that possible customs duty are not included in the price and shipping fee, extra payment to customs may occur upon arrival in some locations. It is the buyer’s duty to clear the tax.
【Appreciate and Care for Silver Jewelry】
  1. It is encouraged to use or wear the silver pieces every day.
  2. When wearing silver, avoid activities in sulfurous or salty air environment, like bathing in hot spring or visiting the beach.
  3. Sterling silver is relatively soft compared to other metal and thus easily be scratched. Avoid silver pieces to crush or rub with other objects.
  4. Store silver jewelry in separate boxes or bags. Store in airtight bags for silver jewelry that are not going to use for a long time.
  5. Use mild soapy water with a soft cloth to clean silver jewelry.
  6. Use a polishing cloth to polish sterling silver pieces. If the item is gold plated, wipe with an ordinary soft cloth instead. 
  7. Pay extra attention to those blackening finish details. Over polishing may cause the artistic finish to be removed.

【其他說明 | Notes】

購物說明 | Shop Guides   寄件配送 | Shipping  尺寸指引 | Size Guides

保養建議 | Care Guides   客製訂作 | Custom-Order  退換政策 | Refund Policy