E.YJ Chen | RealizedStudio Jewelry Creation
925純銀項鍊 - 古典繩索銀鍊 - 氧化燻黑 - 配練單購
- Regular price
- NT$ 1,200.00
- Regular price
NT$ 1,200.00 - Sale price
- NT$ 1,200.00
項鍊規格一般以英吋標示,常用尺寸16" (40.5cm),18" (45.7cm),20" (50.8cm)。
女士吊墜多以18" 項鍊搭配為主,而男士則以20" 或以上為選擇。根據體型或穿搭效果可能使用更長的鍊款。
*各款式尺寸需求數量可先來信確認。如庫存不足,需1-3個工作天備貨 。
實體925純銀 氧化燻黑
寬 1~1.5mm x 長 16" (40.5cm),18" (45.7cm),20" (50.8cm)
The popular elements of a retro jewelry, Rope chain design has its unique charm. Tiny silver jump rings are intertwined into a twisted design, give the chain body a visual of a rope style.
Wear it alone for an elegant and sophisticated look, or add style with a pendant, it's a classic necklace that's neutral and versatile.
Necklace specifications are generally marked in inches, commonly used sizes are 16" (40.5cm), 18" (45.7cm), 20" (50.8cm).
Women's pendants are mostly suited for 18" necklaces, while men's would go with 20" or more. Longer chains may be used depending on body type or fit.
*Please contact us for actual availability of size and style before ordering. If the stock is insufficient, it will take 1-3 business days to restock.
*The clasp style may vary according to different production batches.
Solid Sterling Silver 925 with Oxidized Antique Black
1~1.5mm x 16" (40.5cm), 18" (45.7cm), 20" (50.8cm).
【Items Included】
Silver Chain Necklace x1
Eco Package: Daily Use and Care Instructions, Silver polishing cloth, Airtight bag.
【 訂購須知 】
- 各款式尺寸需求數量可先來信確認。如庫存不足,需1-3個工作天備貨。 Contact us ✉
- 銀鍊使用國際標準純銀 (S925) 製作,不含鎳,不易過敏。復古銀版本為純銀硫化燻黑效果無電鍍。標示14K (Au585)、18K (Au750) 之物件為實體K金。
- 照片皆為實品拍攝,如因銀幕顯示器設定顯色、拍攝環境光線、個人觀感定義不同造成圖片與實體之色差問題,商品皆以實品為主。
- 配送時間
台灣本島:郵局包裹 1~3 工作天,超商配取 3~4 天。
國際快捷:一般約 4~10 工作天。各國家地區之關稅條件規定不同,如衍伸相關額外費用需由買家自理。
- 人體油脂有保護銀體優勢,建議經常配戴。常運動流汗者則要多注意擦拭保養銀飾。
- 避免銀飾處於空氣含有硫元素或鹽分高之區域,例如溫泉或海灘。
- 銀製品相對其他金屬軟,容易刮傷,應避免和其他金屬碰撞。
- 銀製品個別收納於絨布袋或盒中。如長期不用時請於密封袋封存。
- 使用中性肥皂和清水沾濕軟布擦拭清潔銀製品。
- 純銀飾品可使用拭銀布做擦拭保養,拭銀布可重複使用但不可水洗。電鍍飾品則使用一般軟布擦拭即可。
- 如使用洗銀水請謹慎處理,過量可能破壞部分硫化燻黑的藝術表現。
【Ordering Notice】
Chain Necklace x1
Eco Package: Daily Use and Care Instructions, Silver polishing cloth, Airtight bag.
【Ordering Notice】
- Please contact us for actual availability of size and style before ordering. If the stock is insufficient, it will take 1-3 business days to restock. Contact us ✉
- Our silver chains are hypoallergenic as they are made of nickel free solid Sterling Silver (S925). Antique Black version is oxidized for style without plating. Chains marked 14K (Au585) or 18K (Au750) are solid gold alloys.
- Please note that each user's monitor setting differ from one to each other, all products' photo color might appear slightly differently from the actual item.
- Delivery Time
Taiwan Domestic: Parcel Post 1~3 working days. Convenience Store-to-Store Delivery Pickup 3~4 days.
International EMS: It takes 4-10 working days to deliver, depends on destination. Please note that possible customs duty are not included in the price and shipping fee, extra payment to customs may occur upon arrival in some locations. It is the buyer's duty to clear the tax.
【Appreciate and Care for Silver Jewelry】
- It is encouraged to use or wear the silver pieces every day.
- When wearing silver, avoid activities in sulfurous or salty air environment, like bathing in hot spring or visiting the beach.
- Sterling silver is relatively soft compared to other metal and thus easily be scratched. Avoid silver pieces to crush or rub with other objects.
- Store silver jewelry in separate boxes or bags. Store in airtight bags for silver jewelry that are not going to use for a long time.
- Use mild soapy water with a soft cloth to clean silver jewelry.
- Use a polishing cloth to polish sterling silver pieces. If the item is gold plated, wipe with an ordinary soft cloth instead.
- Pay extra attention to those blackening finish details. Over polishing may cause the artistic finish to be removed.
【其他說明 | Notes】
購物說明 | Shop Guides 寄件配送 | Shipping 尺寸指引 | Size Guides
保養建議 | Care Guides
客製訂作 | Custom-Order
退換政策 | Refund Policy